Saturday, April 23, 2011


I originally wrote this on December 8th 2010, probably about a week or so before my first string jury. A string jury is a final exam for students who are taking private music lessons in the college of musical arts. I am required to play one piece of music in front of a panel of about 5 judges.

On that particular Monday, I was in my Cello lesson. My professor had just told me that today was the day I had finally learned how to play the cello.


So as you might think, I was kind of freaking out because it was a week before my first string jury ever. I was kind of confused at first. I had been playing the cello for 10 years and today was the day I officially learned how to play it? But then he explained it to me. That day was the day I had finally learned to analyze and understand the music I was playing, which meant that I was thinking about what I was playing, and not just playing the notes right off the page.

Then this reminded me of something.

There is a difference between a Christian and a Christian. There are two types. The first type is the one who goes through the motions every day without analyzing or knowing the meaning behind what they are doing. For example, these are the people who just go to church every Sunday and think that it is enough for Jesus. The second type is the one who is real and knows why they are doing what they are doing. They are actually committed to living for Jesus, and they understand the meaning behind the church.

So, in a sense, this process of learning how to finally play the cello paralleled my walk with Christ. Before I knew him, I thought I knew what I was doing. I just went along with Christianity, went through the motions. After I started walking with him on June 13th, 2008, I then realized what it really meant to be a Christian. I understood the meaning behind all of this stuff, and I actually started living for Jesus.

I think that this example can relate to a lot of people. We always think we have it, but then there comes a point when we actually understand it, and then we realize that we were completely wrong before. How does this apply to you?

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