You see, over this past year, God has been slowly pushing me
towards the realization that I may be best suited to enter the ministry field
when I graduate college.
For my close family who is finding this out right now
through this post, please don’t feel offended! This really isn’t something I’ve
been sharing with many people. I’ve only been talking about it with a few close
friends here In Colorado as I have come to this realization. And I also want to
be honest with you- this may very well be the direction my life will go in.
Anyways, as I began to realize this, I was a little upset
because ministry is such a broad field. You see, I’m the kind of person who
likes to focus my efforts in one specific area- I don’t like to spread my
abilities all over, I would rather develop them in one area, so me asking God
where he wanted me specifically in ministry was a huge deal to me.
And of course, He answered me- Let me tell you, it is such a
blessing to have a faithful God. Although we may not always see how he is
faithful to our prayers, he still is, even though we are unable to see it. For
these two things are true:
Hebrews 10:23- “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope
without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”
1 Corinthians 13:12- “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but
then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have
been fully known.”
So, in many ways, God is always faithful to us. This is a
season in my life where I am able to see God being faithful to my prayers in
abundance, and it has been awesome.
God’s answer to my prayer was actually not surprising- I
might have already known what he was going to tell me in my subconscious mind,
but He hadn’t specifically revealed it to me yet.
This happened when I was talking to my friend Michelle one
night about what we had been learning at LT. Michelle really has a heart for
women’s ministry, so much of what she talked about was about women’s ministry
and how excited she was to learn about how to serve in this field.
As she was talking to me, I began to feel a want to know
where God wanted me specifically in ministry. Mind you, this had actually
happened numerous times before in our conversations, so this time, we looked
into it.
She asked me, “What are you passionate about?” and my first
natural response was of course, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
For those of you who don’t know, my Dad grew up in the Upper
Peninsula (UP), so every summer since I can remember, we have always vacationed
there, and made lots of memories there as a family. It’s a really special place
to me, and partially because it reminds me of my dad, who passed away when I
was 16.
So naturally, this brought up my dad. From that point on,
Michelle began to talk about having a heart for the fatherless. I don’t
remember everything she said, but I do remember her being really excited about
my life and the purpose God had for me.
It was honestly a really interesting experience, because
what happened was that Michelle was way more excited for my calling in ministry
than I was, which I knew was God speaking through her to reach me. As I’ve said
before (I think), God speaks to me through people, and this was absolutely a
testament to that alone. Michelle being excited for me was God telling me that
He is so excited for the destiny he’s given my life. How awesome is that!?
But i’ll be honest with you, my reaction was kind of dull. I
knew that this made complete sense- my father had passed away 3 years ago, and
because of that experience, I would be able to help those who were going
through the same thing.
Not only that, but I can help people who have issues with
their fathers- you see, someone doesn’t actually have to lose their father to
be fatherless- a father could be emotionally absent, physically absent, or
could just not be as involved with his children’s lives as he should be.
So, I know that with what I have experienced, God has
crafted me to have a heart for the fatherless. Don’t get me wrong, this is
really awesome, but right now, I just don’t have that passion in my heart yet,
and to be honest with you, I’m not sure why. You’d think that after 3 years God
would be able to grow that passion in me fully, but I guess it wasn’t his
And that is something else I’m learning too. God does things
on his own timing. Right now, I don’t believe that I’m completely healed from
this yet. I know this because last summer, I thought I was fine, but God proved
me wrong when I went to Michigan. I probably cried for the entire first week.
So, now that I know God does things on his own timing, I
know he’s going to bring this issue up more fully in the future so that I may
heal from it when he intends me to, and this also means that he’s going to give
me a passion for it on his own timing too.
This is a very strange place to be in, to know what you were
made to be passionate about, but to not fully have that passion yet. Again, it
all comes down to Proverbs 3:5-6- I have to trust God with this completely.
And what’s really cool is that everything has been lining up
for me to grow in this area of ministry. In my project group, almost everyone
has some type of dad problem. One of the girls in my life group has gone
through a hurtful situation involving her dad, and I have been able to help her
through some things involving that very closely.
In addition, I get to go through a 5-week workshop that
talks about the beauty of pain, and there are probably numerous other things
that God has put into place for me to grow in this area.
Right now, I know God has told me this so that I can begin
to prepare for the future, even though the passion in my heart is not fully on
fire yet.
Regardless, I am really excited for this. As I continue to
grow in my relationship with Jesus, I’m noticing that I’m gaining a greater
sense of destiny for my life, which is such a blessing! And I know I’m not the
only one. This sense of destiny comes with growth in a relationship with Jesus,
which is a wonderful thing.
Genesis 50:19-20- “But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of
God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to
accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”