God is…
The lights to a Christmas tree (He brings light to the darkest places)
The sunshine to a rainy day (He brings light to my most depressing days)
The light bulb to a lamp (He brings hope to a darkened place)
The gas to a car (He is the one who keeps me going everyday)
The thread that holds clothing together (He holds me together when I’m falling apart)
The liquid to a bottle (He replenishes me when I am thirsty)
The strings to a cello (He lets me worship through music)
The tea to a teapot (He brings me warmth when I am cold)
The foundation to a house (He has allowed me to build my foundation on the rock)
The money to a piggy bank (He fills my life with blessings)
The stakes to a tent (He keeps my feet firmly planted in the truth)
The ink to a pen (He allows me to write when I cannot speak)
The shampoo to a head of hair (He cleanses my head of lies)
The soap to a body (He cleanses my body of sin)
The sled to a snowy hill (He makes my life fun and interesting)
The glasses to impaired vision (He helps me see clearly. For real though)
The steering wheel to a car (He helps me steer in the right direction, to stay on the narrow path)
The words to a book (He reveals His character to me through the Bible)
The drain to a bathtub (He throws all my sins down the drain and says “forget about it”)
The toilet flusher to a toilet (He flushes my sins away and graciously gives me life)
The professor to a college class (He teaches me something new every day)
The bow to a gift (He completes me)
The staples to a stapler (I cannot function without Him)
This is what God is to me. What is He to you?